being from Dallas, i'm used to having practically everything at my fingertips. especially speciality food stores. whole foods, trader joes, and other smaller, local healthfood stores seemed to adhere to walgreen's old adage, "one on every corner."
when I moved to alabama, no large healthfood stores existed in the state. what was a girl to do?! finally, a whole foods opened in time for me to move to huntsville. again, no healthfood stores. you can imagine my delight when a friend told me about an earthfare opening only a few miles from my home. i perused their website, getting familiar with the store and their philosophies while it was being built.
yesterday, it opened! i visited the store first thing this morning - so excited to see everything first that i had to fight the urge to plow over patrons with my cute little buggy.
this store is FABULOUS! the bulk section is to die for. nuts, granolas, oats, flours, dried fruit, candies, spices - you name it, it's in bulk section. i got raw walnuts, sesame oat bran sticks, and roasted soybeans.
perhaps the best part of this store is the bargains. typically, weekly deals at healthfood stores bring the prices down to barely affordable. but at earthfare, i couldn't believe how reasonable the weekly deals were. i got two bags of eatsmart naturals snacks (by snyder's) for $3.99. plus, they accept manufacturer's coupons, so I saved another $1 off that purchase. whole pineapples were only $1.97 and bananas were just $.59/pound.
the delightful atmosphere, healthful food philosophy, great prices, and the fresh, bright produce will keep me coming back again and again.
photo courtesy of earthfare's website.
EarthFare is coming to Auburn if they could just hurry up and get the dang thing opened! The sign has been up for over a month now but it's still not open. It is in the same shopping center as Panera across from the lame excuse for a mall. I can't wait! I've heard so many good things about it!